This is a series that probably won’t ever be completed unless I have an entire city to help me. I will view as many horror films of all time as I can with the shortest letterboxd-esque reviews ever.

The Execution of Mary, Queen of Scots (1895)

Directed by Alfred Clark and Produced by Thomas Edison

This is a reenactment of the execution of Queen Mary. It is one of the first films to utilize trained actors and special effects. People used to be afraid of viewing footage, so they must have surely believed they were watching a real beheading. It is remarkable we got to the point of recreating a historical event and having the ability to show it around the world. 9/10.


A Terrible Night (1896)

Directed and Produced by Georges Méliès

A man can’t sleep because there are bugs. Fuck bugs. 8/10


The Haunted Castle (1896)

Directed and Produced by Georges Méliès

Arguably the first-ever horror-comedy. Solid film 6/10.


A Nightmare (1896)

Directed and Produced by Georges Méliès

Watching this feels like a fever dream so that’s pretty good. I like this movie


The Bewitched Inn (1897)

Directed and Produced by Georges Méliès

A movie about a haunted hotel. The special effects are creative and groundbreaking for the time.


All-Time Horror Pt. 2


Underrated Slashers: The House on Sorority Row